Verily, EMC customers have some important business this week


That’s a good old fashioned King James version “red word,” often spoken by Jesus himself when he really wanted his disciples and others to pay close attention to what he was about to say.

You don’t see “verily” in the modern translations of the Bible. It has been replaced by terms and phrases such as “I tell you the truth.” It means the same thing but doesn’t have quite the snap.

When my daddy had something to say that he really wanted me to bear down on he would say, “listen here, now” — except his “here” came out more like “heah” when his Southern accent was factored in.

So — whoever has ears, let him hear. Verily! I tell you the truth! Listen here now! Today I am setting aside the foolishness, the tongue in cheek parody and the stories of old time there are not forgotten, because those of us who live in the rural areas of our communities and receive our electricity from Snapping Shoals EMC — well, we have some business to take care of this week and we cannot sit around and twiddle our thumbs and assume that somebody else will take care of that business for us. Each of us needs to step up and make a statement. Now is the time for all good men — and women — to come to the aid of their co-op.

The Snapping Shoals Annual Meeting is Thursday, July 26, at the Georgia International Horse Park. Maybe you haven’t been to one of the annual meetings. My family and I used to go all the time before they outgrew the grounds of Salem Campground. They are a fun way to spend a morning and part of an afternoon. You will see lots and lots of old friends that you haven’t seen in a while. That’s a given. There are lots of free give-a-ways — like light bulbs and buckets and Cokes and snow cones. You might even come away with a rain gauge if you’re lucky.

They have door prizes, too. There are lots and lots of door prizes. Radios, electric can-openers, crock pots, electric griddles — if it has a wire attached and runs off electricity, there is a good chance they will give it away at the Snapping Shoals Annual Meeting. You might even come home with a truck!

While all of the above are good reasons for taking time to drive out to the Horse Park Thursday, they aren’t the reasons I started this column with verily — or told you to listen here. Between 8:15 and 11:15 Thursday morning they will be conducting a vote. We will be deciding who will represent us on the Snapping Shoals Board for the coming year. This is a big deal. If I were as crass as our vice-president I would add an adjective before “deal” because it is just that big.

Gene Morris (Henry County), Anthony Norris (Rockdale) and Walter Johnson (DeKalb) have been representing us quite ably for many, many years. Few public services, if any, have kept rates as low as Snapping Shoals over the past 20 years. They have always, always, always been accessible to the people and honest and above board concerning the dealing of the company they serve. And make no mistake — these good men serve the company and her customers. None of us serve them.
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Electric service, for those of us lucky enough to get ours from Snapping Shoals, has always been efficient and affordable. We have some of the best rates in the state and every time I flip a switch my lights come on. If I ever do have an outage, due to wind or storms or lightning, we are back on-line in no time. I have never dealt with a better company.

But this year our three directors are being challenged. National environmental activists are supporting a slate of candidates who are determined to shut down the use of clean coal and nuclear power to produce our electricity. If they are able to gain control of our co-op we are guaranteed to pay much higher prices in the future with no guarantees that any of their proposed sources will have any positive impact on the environment whatsoever.

I received a call from a lady in Utah who wanted to explain to me why I needed to vote for her candidate instead of Anthony Norton. Utah! If my power goes out I know right where Anthony Norton works and where he lives. I can walk to his house in 10 minutes. He has lived around the corner from me for 30 years and has lived in this county for twice that. Any decision he makes about our electric company will affect him and all of his family and all of his friends.

If my power goes out or my rates go up that lady in Utah won’t give a rat’s patoot about my problem.

Verily! Y’all find the Snapping Shoals ballots that came in the mail last week. Fill them out and take them to the horse park Thursday to cast your vote. If you cannot get there sign your proxy and give it to someone who can. If you need to know who can take it in for you send me an email and I’ll help you out.

This is important, y’all. If we don’t do this thing our electric rates might triple and we’re likely to be up to our earlobes in spotted owls.
